Nordic Business Forum

Vita Pictura’s cooperation with the leading leadership forum in the Nordic countries, Nordic Business Forum, started in the year 2017 and continues to this day. In addition to producing yearly official aftermovies for each event, our team filmed and produced the documentary about the forum and the people behind it, revealing behind-the-scenes organizational parts of the massive event. 


The documentary Leaders Who Change the World – Behind the Scenes of Nordic Business Forum was produced by Vita Pictura in 2020. The 46-minute documentary reveals the stories of the forum’s founders and the people who make it happen throughout the years. Our goal was to reveal behind-the-scenes of the largest business forum in the Nordic countries, attracting politicians, business leaders, philosophers, and authors worldwide.


Our team produced five official aftermovies for Nordic Business Forum. Tha aim of each aftermovies is to share the highlights of each year’s event.

Entrepreneurs, founders, authors, professors, and investors from all over the world gather in Finland’s capital, Helsinki, to discuss the future and current challenges of leadership, and the key is to capture the most prominent speakers and the atmosphere of the event.

Interview Series 

In 2022, Vita Pictura’s team prepared, filmed, and produced a series of interviews with the event’s key speakers. The series of interviews with the world’s leading authors, thinkers, and educators reveals unique information about how these leaders work, where they get their ideas, and their thoughts on management and leadership.

Daily Recaps

We have been producing daily recaps for Nordic Business Forum for several years. Daily recap is a video genre of its own, aiming to give an overview of an event in one minute. Such videos are used for marketing purposes by the client and share with future audiences what to expect at the event.

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